Comparison between Stable and Unstable Professionals

Professional stability — Presentation Transcript

  1. Comparison between Stable and Unstable Professionals Professionally-stable Professionally-unstable VS. Understands and commits to one’s roles and responsibilities   Procrastinates Supports organizational vision, mission and values   Places one’s own vested interest and desires over the organizational goals Collaborates and cooperates   Cares less about building linkages and relationships
  2. Comparison between Stable and Unstable Professionals Professionally-stable Professionally-unstable VS. Reflects on one’s weaknesses to strengthen oneself   Does not seek to know and understand one’s shortcomings Continuously improves oneself to enhance performance   Is satisfied with what he/she knows thinking that he/she has reached the peak of expertise Sets short-term and long-term goals for oneself and one’s career   Does not have clear goals
  3. Comparison between Stable and Unstable Professionals Professionally-stable Professionally-unstable VS. Seeks to learn from his/her experiences at work   Works for the sake of work Stands up for what is right and good at all times (a principled person)   Compromises what is good and right for other lower principles or desires Dresses up and speaks in a dignified manner   Gossips and slanders
  4. Comparison between Stable and Unstable Professionals Professionally-stable Professionally-unstable VS. Creates opportunities for growth and satisfaction and encourages others to do the same   Lingers in pessimism and drags others to dissatisfaction Walks the talk (integrity)   Talks the talk


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