Dentures for edentulous (without teeth) patient

Dentures can be defined as a set of artificial teeth used to replace missing teeth. Patients can become entirely edentulous (without teeth) due to several factors like age genetics etc. but two main factors are:
Periodontal disease – the bone and gums sorrounding the teeth becomes infected by bacteria and deteriorates.
Dental disease – the bacterial infection, dental caries results in production of acid that eats away the teeth, causes cavities and may lead to the death of the tooth and eventually destroy or compromise the teeth to the point that it is necessary to remove them.
Dentures are of various types. The 4 major types are:
1)Complete denture – which is used in the case of complete edentulous (without teeth) patient.
2)Removable partial denture- this type of denture is used for the patients who are missing only some of their teeth on a particular arch.
3) Immediate dentures – such type of denture are delivered to the patient immediately after extraction. The advantage of such type of denture is that you do not have to be seen without teeth. It helps keep ridge protected during healing following extraction. Though it requires relining and may also require frequent visits.
4) Implant supported dentures – implant supported overdenture has many advantages. Although as few as 2- 4 implants may be used for support, it is beneficial to use more than 2 implants in the unlikely event that 1 of the implants fails to function during the patient’s life span. Implant placement surgery is relatively simple to perform and options are available for retention of prosthesis, including clips, and bars and ball and socket. Implant supported dentures have good stability, retention, better form, function and esthetics.


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