Question | Answer |
the miroscopic space between two neurons over which messages pass | synapse |
the brain and spinal cord | central nervous system |
is compsed of nerves that carry info to and from the CNS | peripheral nerves system |
area of the brain associated with higher mental functions and the control of movement | cerebral cortex |
measures the waves of electrical activity produced by the brain | electroencephalography |
shows which bran areas use more energy by measuring glucose consumption | positron emission tomography |
the study of progressive changes in behavior and abilities over a lifespan | developmental psychology |
the rapid and early learning of permanent behavior patterns | imprinting |
the theory characteristic that states that language acquistion is innate, or inborn | biological predisposition |
specialists in the psychology of language | psycholinguists |
acquisition of values, beliefs, and thinking abilities that guide responsible behavior | moral development |
a clack or withholding of normail stimulation, nutrition, comfort, or love | deprivation |
selective breeding for desirable characteristics | eugenics |
physical symptoms that mimic disease or injury for which there is no identifiable cause | somatoform disorders |
mental illness characterized by hallucinations, delusions, social withdrawal and retreat from reality | psychotic disorders |
mental illness marked by feelings of fear, apprehension and panic-based distortions in behavior | anxiety disorders |
the scientific study of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders; an inability to have in ways that foster the well-being of the individual and society | psychopathology |
mental illness which involves disturbances in affect, or emotion | mood disorders |
mental illness which includes cases of sudden temporary amnesia, multiple personality and depersonalization | dissociative disorders |
disorder in which the person lacks a consience, is impulsive, selfish, emotionally shallow and tends to manipulate others | antisocial personality |
feelings of apprehension, dread, or uneasiness | anxiety |
a disorder in chich a person fears that something extremely embarrassing will happen if they leave home or step somewhere unknown | agoraphobia |
disorder in which a person is preocupied with certain distressing thoughts and feels compelled to perform certain behaviors | OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) |
disorder in which a person is in a chronic state of anxiety, and also has moments of sudden, intense, unexpected panic | panic disorder |
a plea that a person was incapable of knowing right from wrong at the time of a crime | insanity defense |
impaired mental cometence to control actions or to know right from wrong, possibly caused by drug or alcohol intake | diminished capacity |
an age-related disorder characterized by impaired memory, confusion, and a progressive loss of mental abilities | alzheimer's disease (all timers) |
a type of psychosis characterized by delusions, hallucainations, apathy, and a split between thought and emotion | schizophrenia |
type of schizophrenia marked by stupor, rigidity, unresponsiveness, mutism, and sometimes, agitated behavior | catatonic schizophrenia |
a message which places the listener in an unsolvable emotional conflict, no-win solution | double-bind communication |
mood disorders in which a persons emotions range from hight mania to intensely low depressive states | bipolar disorders |
treatment technique in which a 150 volt electrical current is passed through the brain for slightly less than one second | electroconvulsive therapy |
an irreversible side effect of psychotropic medications marked by rhythmic facial and mouth movements | tardive dyskinesia |
the trend toward reduced use of full-time commitment to mental institutions | deinstitutionalization |
psychological state in which distinct changes occur in the quality and pattern of mental activity | altered state of consiousness |
a person who sleepwalks | somnambulist |
a bad dream that takes place in REM sleep | nightmare |
a totally panicked stuation in which a person may hallucinate frightening dream images; occurs during non-REM sleep | night terrors |
sudden, irresisible sleep attacks | narcolepsy |
during sleep, breathing stops for 20 secs | sleep apnea |
an altered state of consiousness characterized by narrowed attention and an increased openness to suggestion | hypnosis |
a substance that decreases activity in the body and nervous system | depressant |
a substance that increases activity in the body and nervous system | stimulant |
a substance capable of altering attention, judgment, memory, time sense, self-control, emotions, or perception | psychoactive drug |
reduced response to a drug | drug tolerance |
sedative drugs that depress brain activity | barbiturates |
a combination of drugs will sometimes produce this effect of one drug enhancing the effects of another drug | drug interaction |
drugs that lower anxiety and reduce tension | tranquilizers |
the removal of poision from one's system; used as a first step in treatment of addictions | detoxification |
a person who has below normal intelligence who shows exceptional mental ability in a very limited area is said to have this condition | savant syndrome |
the global capacity to act puposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the enviroment | intelligence |
the ability of a test to yield the same scores each time it is given to the same person | reliability |
the ability of a test to measure what it purports to measure | validity |
a bell-shaped chart of scores ranges which has a large number of scores in the middle, tapering to very few extremely high and low scores | normal curve |
an organic source of retardation by an extra 21st chromosome | down syndrom |
IQ range below 25, needs total care | profoundly retarded |
IQ range between 25 and 55, capable of mastering basic lang. and self-help skills and can be self-supporting by working in a sheltered workshop | severely or moderately retarded |
an ability to manage ones own thinking and prob solving | metacognitive skills |
needs which must be met for survival | prim motives |
needs based on learned needs, drives and goals, for ex. power or approval | secondary motives |
needs for stimulation | stimulus motives |
excessive eating followed by self-vomiting | bulimia nervosa |
active self-starvation | anorexia nervosa |
there are ideal levels of arousal for various activities; ppl try to keep arousal near these ideal lvls | arousal theory |
if a stimulus causes a strong emotion, such as fear or pleasure, an opp emotion tends to occur when the stim ends | opponent-process theory |
a hormone which is reduced at night by the pineal gland in the brain which controls the timing of the body rhythms and sleep cycles | melatonin |
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