5 Secrets that Job Sites Don’t Want You to Know — Document Transcript
- The Five“Big Dirty Secrets” of Job Sitesemployment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossing
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossing big DirTY seCreT #1:“We Will only show You Jobs that employers Pay Ushundreds of Dollars to Post”Just about every job site out there will show you jobs that employers pay hundreds of dollars to post ontheir site: Unless an employer is willing to pay, you are not going to see a job on the website.how This “big Dirty secret” hurts You:Some job sites charge more than $500 for a single job posting. Think about this for a minute: If a jobboard is only posting positions for companies that are paying to post their jobs there, how many positionsdo you think the job board is going to have?This places you at the whim of the job board’s marketing plan and employers’ willingness to payto post ads on a particular site.how We fight This Threat to Your Career:RetailCrossing does not charge employers to post jobs. In fact, we are a research company and not a “jobadvertisement sales company.” We have hundreds of full-time employees researching jobs from everysource we can find (other job sites, employer career pages, newspapers, association and governmentwebsites—and more) and putting the jobs on our site at no cost. Each week we aggressively contactevery employer in the nation we can find, asking them to post their jobs (at no cost) on our site.www.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossing big DirTY seCreT #2:“We have Less than 1% of the available Jobs in the Marketon our site”Most job sites offer less than 1% of the jobs available in the market. Virtually every career site is onlyshowing you an extremely small slice of the available jobs.how This “big Dirty secret” hurts You:Jobs are scattered in so many different places that it would be impossible for you to find them all even ifyou tried. Where are all the jobs?: • On thousands of association websites • On 40,000+ different job boards • On 100,000+ employer career pages • On city, county, state, and federal government websites • On nonprofit organization websites • On the websites of small and large newspapersThis is where all the jobs are—not on most of the career sites you have heard of but in hundreds ofthousands of different places waiting to be found.If you are currently looking for a job you are probably missing and will never be aware of 95% to 99% ofthe jobs you are qualified for. Not only will you not apply to them ... you will never even know they arethere. You may never become aware of them because they can only be found in places you may not evenknow exist.how We fight This Threat to Your Career:Our objective at RetailCrossing is to take jobs from every source and put them on our site. Usingincredibly complex technology and lots and lots of people, we pull every job we can find from every sitewe can find and filter all of that information to include on our site.Because we are proactive in our search we are able to show you that 95% of jobs that you are missing inyour search right now.If you had all the time in the world to spend on your job search, sorting through countless websites, youmight be able to find all of the jobs that match your interests. It might take you 100+ years ... but you coulddo it.www.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossingThis is what we at RetailCrossing do for you every day.We believe that when you are looking for a job the single most important thing that you can do is to knowabout every single job out there. The more jobs you know about, the better your odds of{AU: This bulleted list was too hard to read with the intro to each bullet as long as it was.} • getting a job • getting the best job • getting more interviews • getting a job close to home • getting a job that matches your interests • getting a job with a higher salary • getting a job with better benefits • getting a job with a more stable organization • getting a job where you have a future • getting a job where you like the people you will be working with • getting a job that makes the best use of your skills • getting a job that allows you to positively influence the world • getting a job where you will receive positive praise from others • getting a job where you will get to spend more time with your family • getting a job where you will have more time to take vacations • getting a job where you can be youThe list goes on and on. The name of the game is finding the best opportunities and having access to themost opportunities. The more information you know the better off you are going to be.www.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossing big DirTY seCreT #3:“We Don’t Care if You get a Job; our objective is to get asMany applicants as Possible to the Jobs on our site”Most job sites work for employers, not you. Because they work for employers, their loyalty is to employers,not you. Most job boards are motivated to drive as many applicants as possible to each job. A job onMonster.com, for example, may receive more than 1,000 applicants.Wherever you go, the odds are you are being advertised to by a job site. These job sites are not trying toget you a job—they are trying to make you one of hundreds of applicants competing for their advertisers’positions. I am sure you are aware of everything that job sites do in order to drive huge numbers ofapplicants to their jobs: They advertise on buses They advertise on blimps They advertise on the super bowl They advertise on airplane banners The advertise on subways They advertise on the radiowww.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossing They advertise on search engines They follow you around the internet with banner ads They advertise in magazines They advertise in sports stadiumswww.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossinghow This “big Dirty secret” hurts You:Anyone with an Internet connection can apply for a job on most job sites. Accordingly, employers are oftenoverwhelmed with applications when they post jobs on public job sites—and this makes it much moredifficult for you to stand out. In fact, once a job makes it to a public job site you are going to face massivecompetition and slim odds of getting the job.how We fight This Threat to Your Career:We are a research company. We spend our time and effort researching jobs—and we find jobs froma myriad of sources you would likely not find independently. For example, we find jobs in small localpublications, on association websites that do not receive a lot of traffic—and many similar sources. Ourexpertise is researching jobs—and a great deal of our research is into sources that few people knowabout. That means, when you apply to many of our jobs, you will not have a lot of competition.Most important, to apply for positions on RetailCrossing, we require that people be subscribers to ourwebsite. Only paying members can see our job-opening research. • By requiring a paid subscription to view jobs on our site, we are able to limit the number of people viewing the jobs we research. • By limiting the number of people looking at our jobs, we are able to keep the number of people ap- plying to jobs on our site down. • By keeping the number of applications down, we make it much easier for you to find a job.Sometimes what seems to be the downside to a particular method turns out, in reality, to be the upside.While a subscription to RetailCrossing does require a job seeker to pay a small monthly fee, it is that verydrawback that makes RetailCrossing an effective and worthwhile investment.The research work we do for job seekers is not cheap. Imagine investing thousands of hours a dayresearching jobs yourself. Needless to say, that would be impossible.We take our membership fees and apply them to doing research on the market in order to find jobs.People who have never experienced RetailCrossing often say, “I do not believe in paying to find a job.”However, what these people fail to realize is what they are indirectly implying: • “I want to compete with thousands of others for a single job…” • “I want to only see a few jobs at a time and not every job in the market…” • “I do not believe in research…” • “My time is not valuable, and I want to take my chances with public job boards…”www.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossingYour time is valuable, and likewise, the amount of work and money that we put into researching jobs foryou is staggering. RetailCrossing lists tens of thousands of opportunities that you will not see elsewhere.And here’s the key to the success of RetailCrossing: we work for the job seeker, not employers. We getthe maximum number of job listings possible for our subscribers, including jobs not advertised elsewhere.And then, we limit who can search for jobs on RetailCrossing.At RetailCrossing, it is easier to find a job because, simply put, there is often less competition for ourlistings than those posted elsewhere. Not only do our researchers find jobs not posted anywhere else, butabout 95% of job seekers are weeded out because they do not wish to pay a fee for membership.www.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossing big DirTY seCreT #4:“Most of our Jobs are recruiter Jobs”Most jobs on employment websites are recruiter jobs. Recruiters and job sites typically have very “tight”relationships because recruiters are generally always looking for talent for multiple employers at one time.Consequently, most job sites contain mainly advertisements from recruiters.how This “big Dirty secret” hurts You:When you apply to a recruiting firm, you are not applying to an employer. You are applying to a recruiterwho may or may not send your resume to the employer.That recruiter is trying to fill a position for an employer and is there to screen applicants. The recruitermay even just be fishing for resumes. There is nothing wrong with recruiter jobs—and we certainly havenothing against recruiters; however, there are dangers: • When you send your resume to a recruiter you have no way of knowing if the recruiter will forward your resume to the employer. They may forward the resume to the employer—or they may not. • Most recruiting firms also charge fees to employers if they hire you (which may be as much as 40% of your annual salary). If you are an outstanding candidate, this will not hurt you—but if you are not, it could. • If the recruiter has a bad reputation, he or she might even make it more difficult for you to get a job with the employer because the employer may view resumes from the recruiter in a negative light. • You also have no way of knowing if the recruiter job is for real. Many recruiters have the reputation of placing advertisements on job sites to just “fish” for resumes. That means you are wasting your time on a job that doesn’t exist.So when you use sites that are comprised primarily of recruiter jobs, you don’t have access to most jobopportunities, and, in effect, limit your options significantly. Yes, this is crazy, but this is how it is mostoften done.www.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossinghow We fight This Threat to Your Career:The vast majority of our positions come directly from employer websites (more than 40,000 employer jobsites). In fact, we have more than 1 million jobs direct from employer websites. This is more jobs than onvirtually every other job site out there—and more direct-from-employer jobs than you will find anywhere.Most of the employers listed on our site will believe you were interested in their companies enough to goto their websites (without RetailCrossing) and find advertised openings in human resources. They will beflattered. This will assist you massively and makes a huge difference.www.retailcrossing.com Page
- employment crossing The LargesT CoLLeCTion of reTaiL JOBS ON EARTH THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF Jobs on earThretailCrossing big DirTY seCreT #5:There are More Than 40,000 Job sites out There JustLike Us”You can find more than 40,000 job boards on the Internet. That means that employers are posting theirjobs on more than 40,000 separate job boards.how This “big Dirty secret” hurts You:Finding the job you are looking for is like searching for a needle in a haystack—it could be on any one of40,000 different job boards. In order to be aware of all the jobs, you would need to go out and look at all40,000+ job boards out there.how We fight This Threat to Your Career:
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