Tonsils are 2 balls of lymphatic tissue on both sides of the throat, above and behind the tongue. They are part of the immune system, which helps the body fight infection. However, the basic roles of the tonsils in immunity is not clear yet!
tonsillitis is caused by a virus, and this is the most frequent.But may occur as a result of the same bacteria that cause sore throat, and in other rare cases where the general health situation is not good ,the cause may be fungal infection or a parasite!
Viral infections are more common than bacterial infections in all seasons, but bacterial infections are usually most common during the winter
Although there is no evidence that exposure to cigarette smoke can cause tonsillitis, but the children of smokers are conducting a tonsillectomy more than others.
The modes of transmission of this infection is the exposure to the infected persons' droplets, either directly or indirectly via any tool or surface that received the droplets.
The most common symptom is sore throat .
Redness and swelling of the tonsils, with patches or completely covered by pus
High temperature.
* Viral symptoms are similar to the symptoms of common cold: runny nose, sneezing, cough and sore throat.
* Bacterial symptoms: sore throat and high "sudden" elevated temperature, swollen tonsils with no symptoms of common cold.
The attack resolves on it's own in 4-10 days and longer in the bacterial cases.
Tonsillitis occurs mostly in the childern equally in both female&male.May occur in the adults who didn't do tonsillectomy in their childhood.But doing this operation for the elderly has alot of risks for bleedin and pain.
* Frequent throat infections.
* Inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacteria and not treated, lead to complications, such as ear infections and sinus or abscess outside the tonsils.
More serious complications may occur, such as rheumatic fever, especially with the lack of commitment to the treatment and antibiotics.
* Chronic inflammation, which leads to upper airway obstruction, and other problems, such as snoring, nasal congestion, and breathing through the mouth.
Tonsillectomy is an operation common for children, but it's not commonly operated as it was before.
The operation reduces the exposure of your child to throat infections caused by inflammation of the tonsils, but these infections get lesser to occur to the child by getting older,even without surgery.
It's preferred for children who have serious complications with recurrent resistant infections that do not respond to other treatments, especially when they affect the daily life, such as frequent absenteeism from school or because of problems with sleep.Taking the decisions should be after careful consideration for the child health.
However,it's not believed to be the most suitable solution,this operation may be the ideal solution for some cases like:
* Episodes of inflammation occur 5 times or more during the year
* Episodes of inflammation of a 3 or 4 times during the year for several consecutive years.
* Inflammation continued for 3 months despite treatment.
*Obstructed air passages.
* Difficulty in swallowing.
* Difficulty in speaking.
* Bleeding tonsils
The child will be subjected to general anesthesia, discharged from the hospital in 1 day and may remain for one night only. The child, after this surgery should receive care for rest and food.
Tiredness for several days is normal, but he slowly regains his activity,and supposed to return to school in one week and return to full daily activities within two weeks.
* It's preferred the child not to be very young.
:Risk of surgery
Bleeding after the operation is simple and common, especially with the fall of the crust over the wound.
Other complications, but much less common, including bleeding and problems with anesthesia, and these occur during the operation.
:Prevention and treatment
The best prevention is to follow basic health precautions, hygiene, and the following steps are useful, especially for children:
* Avoid close contact with others who are suffering from the disease if possible, keep your child away from the infected children.
* Remind your child repeatedly the importance of washing hands, and do not share toothbrushes or eating utensils with other children.
Washing and disinfection of surfaces and toys .*
* Do not smoke near your child.
*Viral infections
Usually go away on its own. Antibiotics are not effective in the treatment.
May be useful home remedies such as gargling with salt water, drinking warm tea.
Analgesics such as ibuprofen
Do not give aspirin to those who are without the century! This general advice is not specific only for tonsilitis.
*Bacterial infections
Doctor prescribes antibiotics, and full commitment to take the full dose is a must, even if the symptoms disappeared and the state of health improved ! Otherwise, the bacteria will become resistant and these antibiotics are not effective, so it becomes more dangerous bacteria, causing health problems, for example, rheumatic fever in the heart.
Rokaya Almehdawy

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